Pay attention to life...

To many life goes by blindly, and no-one really pays attention to their lives and what is happening to them. And perhaps this has been my fault in life, a kind of hyper-awareness to the fact that I am living life, and that there are lessons that we need to learn and without an awereness of this, one can be doomed to repeat their mistakes.

This blog, is dedicated to the woman who made who I am. When I was growing up I had a seriously antagonistic relationship with my mother…and let me be honest with my siblings as well. A more angst-filled child never existed, I remember hours spent hiding in the closet, sucking on my fingers contemplating life and what it meant. My earliest memory is of me walking around my family’s seat in Waterval in the Northwest, feeling completely abandoned, so heartbroken and alone. It is a very dark memory that haunts me to this day. I must have been around four or five years old, and I just have no idea why I would have felt that way. Church was a deeply felt event, where the lyrics to the hymns moved me to ecstasy, and every year I wondered why humanity was the way it was and they acted they way they did, and why we just felt so helpless about being human and allowed ourselves to be so evil towards each other and do the horrible things that we did.

It was the hours I spent alone contemplating who I was and what I had done that solidified this aspect of my personality, hours that I have my mother Seipati. H. Mothoagae to thank for. It was her who after a spate of deep naughtiness would banish me to my room to go and think about what I had done, and whether that served me.

This blog is dedicated to these musings, and what I have learned about life, love and spirituality. If you wonder about the same, and are as given to introspection as I am, then this should prove interesting for you. If you are interested in the musings and the viewpoints of other, no matter how strange, than this is the blog for you. This is about what I think, what I have come to accept as true of life, the world, humanity and spirituality.

Thursday, April 8, 2010



The trouble with being human is that we are human, and we all often fail to accept this about ourselves and others. We expect others to be more than what we are, to be better than what we are, and when they fail we judge them as inferior, because they were human. Yet, we fail to realise that the same way we view others, they view us. And even with this article, and what I feel driven to say, I am still being human and judgmental, and placing my understanding above others, and elevating myself to a level higher than others.

This is the truth as I know it: People must do what they must at any given moment. We often fail to understand that based on the information you have, and who you are, you can only do what you must in any given situation. And the truth is that this doesn’t always suit others, and in fact may be harmful to them. If we all came from this understanding the world would not be as it is.

This is the truth as I know it: People are basically greedy. That is why we are always striving for more – more love, more happiness, more material wealth, more health. We can never have enough. And the truth is, in this earnest endeavour that is part of the trouble with being human we often disadvantage others and rob them of their God-given birth-rights. In this endeavour we are blinded by narcissism and step on whomever we have to to get what we want. Why? People must do what they must at any given moment. Often we fail to check this greed, or acknowledge it enough to be able to manage it, leading to great unhappiness. Unchecked greed is marauding and self-serving, and is the destruction of any society. Yet, greed is part of the trouble with being human, and it is completely un-acknowledged.

This is the truth as I know it: People are basically selfish. We think only of ourselves at any given moment, in any given situation – we have to, it is in our make-up. What I know for sure is that if you have no conception of who you are and what you are meant to do with your life in order to progress on to the next stage of re-membering, your selfishness will disadvantage those around you. Only when one is being truly selfish, can one please others. Think about it, when you know who you are, what you need to do to be happy, it is easier to be honest with others, treat them better, and do better because your goal is clear. Uncertainty is poison, because you vacillate between decisions, making others uncomfortable and miserable as they do not know where they stand with you, or what you mean, or what you intend, therefore uncertainty drives misery. But, when you acknowledge that you are here for your own selfish reasons – i.e. to re-member that you are God; it is easy to be giving, to be accepting, to be discerning, to be clear in intent, action and word leading to happiness around you because those around you know where they stand.

This is the truth as I know it: People are basically good. It doesn’t matter what label you place on another, this is the truth. Even if someone hates you, wants to destroy you, makes your life a living misery, this person is good to the ones that they love and hang out with. Even the most evil person is good to someone. Therefore people are basically good when it serves them, Why? Because people are basically selfish.

So, given these truths, the question then becomes: Why then is the world in the shape that it is in? Well, all these basic facts about humanity are completely unacknowledged and so run amuck, unchecked. I believe that denial is the biggest sin of all, in fact if the word existed I would say un-acknowledgement is the biggest sin of all. So, these truths as I know them are un-acknowledged and become a destructive force because they are not controlled and managed. Control and in fact self-control is the biggest virtue, it is Godly to be controlled, to control yourself – your selfishness and your greed, so that when you must do what you must, you take into account the greater good and then live up to that within you that is God. When you acknowledge that you are basically greedy it means you go out seeking the material, physical, emotional, spiritual abundance that is your birthright as God’s child. And in seeking, realise that you may require these in abundance, but check your selfishness by realising that there is enough, and therefore endeavouring to share with others by taking only what is yours.

Greed is the manifestation of a lack of belief that God can provide for us all, exactly what each individual really needs. And so often we go out seeking something that isn’t what we really need, but what we have been told is what we really need, or what we saw that others really need, and because it is not what we really need, we take more than our fair share in that it isn’t even our share at all, but someone else’s, and are then exposed as greedy. This is why it is important to know who you are and what you need to do to fulfil the requirements of your life, so that when you go out to fulfil your selfish interests you are able to be good, because you are acting in sync with what your soul needs to re-member.

So, let us acknowledge ourselves, and see each other through God’s eyes and acknowledge that we must do what we must – be selfish, be greedy; so that we can be good and so begin to re-member that we are God.

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