Pay attention to life...

To many life goes by blindly, and no-one really pays attention to their lives and what is happening to them. And perhaps this has been my fault in life, a kind of hyper-awareness to the fact that I am living life, and that there are lessons that we need to learn and without an awereness of this, one can be doomed to repeat their mistakes.

This blog, is dedicated to the woman who made who I am. When I was growing up I had a seriously antagonistic relationship with my mother…and let me be honest with my siblings as well. A more angst-filled child never existed, I remember hours spent hiding in the closet, sucking on my fingers contemplating life and what it meant. My earliest memory is of me walking around my family’s seat in Waterval in the Northwest, feeling completely abandoned, so heartbroken and alone. It is a very dark memory that haunts me to this day. I must have been around four or five years old, and I just have no idea why I would have felt that way. Church was a deeply felt event, where the lyrics to the hymns moved me to ecstasy, and every year I wondered why humanity was the way it was and they acted they way they did, and why we just felt so helpless about being human and allowed ourselves to be so evil towards each other and do the horrible things that we did.

It was the hours I spent alone contemplating who I was and what I had done that solidified this aspect of my personality, hours that I have my mother Seipati. H. Mothoagae to thank for. It was her who after a spate of deep naughtiness would banish me to my room to go and think about what I had done, and whether that served me.

This blog is dedicated to these musings, and what I have learned about life, love and spirituality. If you wonder about the same, and are as given to introspection as I am, then this should prove interesting for you. If you are interested in the musings and the viewpoints of other, no matter how strange, than this is the blog for you. This is about what I think, what I have come to accept as true of life, the world, humanity and spirituality.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

On Judgment

They say “Judge not, lest ye be judged.” What is judgment really? Judgment is arrogance, narcissism of the highest order, it is a belief that you are more than what others could ever become, so much more that you allow yourself to make pronouncements about who they are. Judgment is a lack of empathy for the human condition, and a belief that the human condition has no impact on who you are.

What we fail to realise is that judgment is a clarion call to God, an insult on his greatness and a challenge to God’s universe to assert it’s power on your life. judge not lest ye be judged is a warning to us all, to be careful of how we view life and the people who live it.

The theory I have come to subscribe to is the Hindu belief in re-incarnation, but with additional contention provided by Linda Shaw and Neal Donald Walsh that we choose the experiences we want to have. The amalgamation of these beliefs says that we are born again and again until we learn the lesson that we are supposed to learn, and that we are forced to experience a certain set of experiences until we have learned the lesson that we are supposed to learn. The amalgamation says that before you are born you are tasked with studying the lives that you have lived and the lessons that you still need to learn, and that from this you have to study all of humanity you choose which souls can help you learn the lesson, you agree on how they will come into your life, what they will do, and therefore how you will be forced to learn a lesson. It is an amalgamation that contends that it is easy to overcome your karma if you are aware when karmic price is exerting itself in your life.

It is judgment that makes the overcoming of karmic price difficult, it is judgment that keeps us tethered to life, and it is judgment that robs us of enlightenment, and it is judgment that robs us of our humanity.

Judge not lest ye be judged means do not add more karma on your head, accept that we all have our paths and must walk it as we must, and that we cannot experience who we really are in the same way. We all have our own individual ways in which we learn our lessons, in which we absorb them and allow them to alter the way we live our lives. We cannot force others to be like us. We do not know why people stay in abusive relationships, are abusers, are thieves, murderers, adulterers, evil or good, we do not know what lesson they are grappling with in their lives and why they have chosen the set of circumstances that they have. We do not know why they cling to these circumstances and will not listen to us and take our advice.

The warning however is for you to be wary of calling them less than what they are as they grapple with this lesson, because in judging them you display your lack of knowledge and sympathy and are throwing a gauntlet down to God and his universe to show you why it is hard to be that person, and why they do what they do in the way that they do it. You will be forced to live the life that you have judged, and if you are one who is spiritually aware you will find yourself looking at your life and seeing elements of those whom you have judged before.

So, judge not lest ye be judged – i.e. be empathetic, be sympathetic, be humble in the face of life and acknowledge that life is God, and that we are in the process of re-membering that we are God, and that judgment is a sure path away from God.


  1. this post spoke to me on so many levels. Thank you sista. Judgement really is a weight on your soul,your existance, including self judgement.
